Can Remote Workers Sue For Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment doesn't have to be in person. If you've been sexually harassed while working remotely, you still have the right to sue. Here's how.

Jurisdiction Matters

When it comes to remote workers suing for sexual harassment, jurisdictional issues can arise. The laws governing workplace sexual harassment can differ based on the location of the employer, the employee, and the place where the harassment occurred.

Depending on the circumstances, the lawsuit may need to be filed in the jurisdiction where the employer is based, where the remote worker resides, or where the harassment took place. Consulting with an employment attorney knowledgeable in sexual harassment law can help remote workers navigate these complexities and determine the appropriate jurisdiction for their case.

Employer Responsibility

Employers have a legal duty to provide a safe and harassment-free work environment for all employees, including remote workers. Although remote workers are not physically present in the office, they are still entitled to the same protections under workplace sexual harassment laws. Employers must take proactive measures to prevent and address sexual harassment, regardless of where the employee is located.

This includes implementing clear policies against harassment, conducting regular training sessions for all employees, and promptly investigating and addressing any complaints. Remote workers who experience sexual harassment have the right to hold their employers accountable for failing to fulfill this responsibility.

Documentation and Evidence

Building a strong case for a sexual harassment lawsuit requires proper documentation and evidence. Remote workers should meticulously document any incidents of inappropriate or harassing behavior. This can include saving emails, messages, or any other relevant communication that contains evidence of the harassment.

It is important to record details such as dates, times, locations, and any witnesses present during the incidents. Thorough documentation strengthens a remote worker's credibility and helps establish a pattern of harassment. In addition to preserving digital evidence, remote workers should also maintain a written record of any verbal incidents, noting what was said and the date it occurred.

Reporting Procedures and Legal Recourse

Remote workers should familiarize themselves with their employer's reporting procedures for sexual harassment. It is essential to understand the steps involved in reporting the harassment internally and the options available if the employer fails to address the issue adequately.

Typically, remote workers should follow their employer's established reporting protocol, which may involve notifying a supervisor, human resources, or a designated individual responsible for handling such complaints. If the internal reporting process does not yield satisfactory results or if retaliation occurs, remote workers may need to explore external avenues for legal recourse.

For more information on workplace sexual harassment law, contact a professional near you.
