5 Things To Do Following A Work Injury

If you are injured on the job there are certain steps you need to take immediately to ensure that you are setting your future worker's compensation claim up for success. The following are a few tips to help you with this task.

#1: Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Do not wait to see a doctor. If you suspect you have been injured, immediately go to urgent care, the emergency room, or your primary care physician and have the injury assessed. If your company has an onsite nurse or medical station, as is common in some factory settings, then go there. Putting off treatment can reduce the perceived severity of the injury, which could impact your worker's comp claim.

#2: Report to Your Boss and HR as Soon as Possible

A common reason claims are denied is that they aren't reported properly. Your goal is to leave no shadow of a doubt that the injury occurred at work. This means following proper reporting protocols as soon as the injury occurs. Begin by reporting the injury to your immediate supervisor. As soon as you are able, fill out the required injury or workplace accident report with your HR department. Never depend upon your supervisor to file this report on your behalf.

#3: Keep a Detailed Log of the Injury and Treatment

Write down exactly what happened as soon as you have a chance -- this will ensure you have captured all the details and will give you something to refer to in the future as some of the details become fuzzy over time. Further, keep a log of every doctor's visit, diagnosis, and treatment that is prescribed and completed. This log may become your main proof when filing your claim.

#4: Consult With an Attorney and File Your Claim

Don't put off filing your worker's compensation claim, or the statute of limitations may run out and you will be unable to file. Consult with a lawyer as soon as you are released from the doctor. The lawyer can verify that your documentation is in order, which can help make the entire process move along more smoothly.

#5: Maintain Your Privacy From the Beginning

Finally, stay quiet about your claim. Don't share details of injury with anyone other than your medical staff and lawyer. Don't post about your injury or social media or discuss it at work. Further, do not provide your company, their lawyers, or their insurance company with a general medical release authorization. You may be required to sign a limited release, which will make only the details about your work related injury public but it won't release any of your other private medical or mental health information.

Contact a worker's compensation attorney for more help. For more information, go to a website like http://mcmullenochs.com.
