Things To Remember About Social Media Posts And Your Personal Injury Case

If you've been involved in an accident and have any reason to believe that you may file a personal injury lawsuit, you may want to make an effort to avoid posting anything on social media about the accident. The social media posts you put up can be used as evidence in court, especially if those posts or pictures can cast any doubt over your case. Here are a few things that you need to know about your social media profiles and your personal injury case.

Anything You Post Can Be Accessed By The Other Party

When you post pictures on your social media profiles, the opposing party can access them later. This is especially true if you post those things publicly, but even when they are posted privately, they may be accessible due to court petitions for evidence discovery. You should talk with your attorney right away if you have any reason to be concerned, or if you are unsure about what is and is not permissible to post on your social media profiles.

Deleting Pictures And Posts Is Not The Answer

You might think that it is okay to post whatever you want right now because you can just delete it later. The fact is that, if you delete the posts after you have filed the lawsuit, you can face problems with the opposing party in the lawsuit for deleting evidence and interfering with the discovery process.

Pictures Can Be Taken Out Of Context

Even pictures that are seemingly innocent can be used against you in court. If you post a picture of yourself at a birthday party for your child or grandchild, for example, it could be assumed in court that you must not be in as much pain as you claim because you were able to attend a party. It opens up a lot of room for perception and interpretation that could ultimately cost you your case.

You Should Keep Things Quiet

If you're not sure whether or not you might file a case, it's best to keep all discussion of your accident, your injuries, and your current personal activities off of your social media. In fact, some attorneys may recommend that you avoid social media entirely until your case is settled. If you do need to discuss it with anyone, do so privately, either in person or over the phone. Don't give the opposition an opportunity to harvest your accounts for information.

For more information, contact a company like The Outlawyer - Abbott Law Firm.
